Yes my Mia is a climber. She climbs everything. She climbs our kitchen drawers and can almost make it to the counter. She climbs the stairs in seconds flat. She has been found in a number of precarious situations that put the fear of God in my heart. We were at Chuck and Susan's last night for our weekly KID NATION party (changed it from Wednesday to Thursday so we could watch the TIVO'ed one and start earlier) and they had a ladder out because they were decorating their Christmas Tree. Needless to say, my mission throughout the whole evening was to keep Mia from climbing the ladder. I let her play a little but that girl scares the heck out of me when her foot slips off and she barley catches herself from falling to the hard cold travertine--ugg!! Anyway, as always, I had my handy little camera ready so I took a few pics. One of them I was playing with that color feature so it looks kind of weird.
By the way, I am sitting on my couch at 9am drinking my coffee and it is totally raining outside!! This is the first rain of the season here in Southern California and it is actually raining pretty good. We get VERY LITTLE rain here so when it actually comes down we all snuggle up and act as if it were below freezing with a fire in the fireplace. Not that it is that cold- it is cold for us-- maybe 55 to 60 degrees-- but it gives us reason to snuggle and feel as if it were actually fall. Another note about the rain that many of you from other states will laugh at is that when this strange thing called water falls from the sky, drivers in Southern California lose all their senses and literally forget how to drive. I guarantee there will be accidents all over the roads today and if I get on the freeway people will probably be driving at a snales pace. This drives me nuts but again this strange precipitation thing causes us all to lose our abilities. Another funny thing is that it is raining pretty good but nothing like what most of you are probably use to. On the news here in Southern California the top story is "STORM WATCH 2007!!!!" Literally they call this a storm and people are glued to the news to watch for "NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE STORM". I swear it is true and it is so funny because Kevin grew up in Canada and thinks we here in So Cal are ridiculous. We are total wimps and bundle our kids for a cold day when it is expected to only get to 60 degrees for the day. Anyway- I know we are wimps- what do you do??
Anyway, have a great weekend!!