The Monarchs won the DIVISION B Championships!!!! This was an amazing game and their team was really fresh and they literally lost most of their games at the beginning. They had an awesome coach but he was new to coaching on this league so when the draft came for players he found out the Ethan and Owen were the # 1 And # 2 draft picks and since they are brothers they have to be drafted together (my rule because I want them on the same team). This coach had the first draft pick and he drafted my boys first. Well by the time his 3rd pick came along, there were very few experienced players left so we ended up with a team that had 2 amazing players (Ethan and Owen), a couple kids who had played a couple seasons and a bunch of brand new players. Luckily the new players had potential but it was pretty disheartening for the first many games as Ethan and Owen were out there desperately trying but they just got beat badly for many games. Finally about mid season something changed and they started to do better and better. Ethan was Captain and Owen was Assistant Captain and they both did a great job at mentoring the other kids and they really came far. Finally, we went to playoffs and we won-- then we went to finals and amazingly, we won against a totally stacked team that had only lost 1 game. It was a phenomenal game and we all just sat there with our mouths hanging open when we realized the other team was going to lose to our little under dog team. The final score was 5 to 3 and Ethan scored all the goals-- good job sweetie!!!!! It was an amazing game and season!!!
In the midst of game play
The coach took all the boys out to dinner because they won and at the last minute we decided to host a hockey swim party next Saturday so I will post pics of all these crazy hockey kids going crazy in the pool!!!
Congratulations! It's so strange to see hockey pictures where the fans don't have to wrap up in layers of blankets :-)