OK, Kev and I went to bed last night discussing the options for celebrating our 40th birthdays coming up---ugggg!!! Im not a super "I hate getting older" type person, but turning 40 is pretty big. I remember baking my dad a cake-- just us kids- for his 40th birthday. I was in high school. It just seems old. Besides always feeling like I could go to bed, I dont feel very old. People say that the 40's are the best years and I think, based on where we are in our lives, that I would probably agree with that statement-- but 40 just sounds old.
Soooooo, I turn 40 in 2 Mondays- March 6 and Kev turns 40 on April 4. We usually do a - between our bdays celebration- and go away for a weekend but this year, with being on Dave Ramsey and paying off our debt and saving for this adoption, we are not sure we can afford the Venetian in Vegas with all the awesome eating out. So my question is, what should we do? This is a big birthday but we really cant do the awesome weekend away and we cant do the big party so what should we do?
One idea is maybe we do the weekend away but we make it very budget friendly. We live about 3 hours from Vegas and we love going there just to relax and eat-- we don't do shows or gamble-- just eat and relax. So one idea is staying at a super cheap place-- like $40 a night which you can easily do- and then eat maybe a bit cheaper-- maybe hit some of the super cheap places to eat with maybe one nice eating out night.
Or maybe Palm Springs?? We live about an hour and 15 min away from Palm Springs and we can easily do a weekend out there but it is not cheap like Vegas. I just really want to go away for at least a night so Kev and I can have some no kid time to reconnect. We can also maybe go to the beach- only about 40 min from our house- but it it is not cheap for hotels or for food-- although we probably can do restaurant.com.
So help. We have no idea what to do or do we just not do anything?? Ideas??