One of emerys favorite things is to play in the sandbox. She can play forever alone or with the girls. The girls
Still love I play in it as well - so I guess the sandbox is timeless. I find owen out here playing with emery as
Well and he is 12. Whatever the case, tonight Kevin has the boys at hockey and I have the girls. We did dinner pretty early so we had lots of time to waste till bedtime (which I wish would come sooner because I'm exhausted). We headed out to the sandbox and we've been here an hour and we only have 20 min till we need to head up for bed. Oh joy!! I love the sandbox!!!!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
The Sandbox
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7:20 PM
Monday, August 20, 2012
Sacramento and the wedding
We had a nice time in Sacramento and the wedding was beautiful!!! It was nice that most of my fame traveled
Up to the wedding as well
So my parents were able to take the boys and Do some fun things with them. We also got to see
Our friends the Murphy's who just relocated to sac from our area. He is a California highway patrol officer and was transferred to sac so the family relocated. I love charity and it was a lot of fun to hang with her at the lake with the kids.
Overall a great trip. Not as relaxing as a destination vacation but lots of good experiences for the kids. I think Kevin and I now need a vacation away from our kids after 10 days in an Rv together :)
Here are pictures of sac time. Didn't take any lake pics because I forgot my phone but here are some.
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11:57 PM
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
San Francisco
By the way, if you use instagram my pic profile is open so you can follow our trip and see all the same photos there right when they are taken in real time. If you want to follow, my profile name is kcbock72.
We have really enjoyed San Francisco. We must come back again soon. We enjoyed pier 39 area an fishermans warf and of course our day was not complete without a wonderful gihradelli Sunday!!! It was great. They kids had fun- we had fun- and we were not ready to kill the kids :). Today we did the exploratorium and Lombard street and then late lunch in china town. We hit tons of traffic on our way back tithe Rv park but we finished up the day with kevs famous jumbalya in the Rv. I'm now at the laundry mat at our Rv place doing some laundry we desperatly need. This trip is interesting with clothing as the coast has been cool and San Fran has been COLD and tomorrow we head to Sacramento here it will be downright HOT!!!!! So we had a lot of different clothes to bring and we have used them all. Funny thing is I hardly know how to use a laundry may anymore. I couldn't figure out why the washers were so much smaller than they dryers. Kev explained and I felt stupid. I don't think I've been to a laundry mat since our first year of
Marriage 18 years ago!!! Wow!!
Anyway, here are pictures from San Francisco! There are some from gihradelli and boudin the bread place where we had dinner. There are some of the exploratorium and Lombard street and coit tower. I'm doing this on the blogger iPhone app so I can't label the pics so I hope that helps explain a bit what the pics are.
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9:59 PM