Thanks for all of you who commented on my facebook post but the presentation to the attorneys, judges and mediators really went well. They all really liked the evaluation I do and believe this is an area of court evaluations that is completely unaddressed-- hence the reason why I am now addressing it. By the time we drove from the court house back to our house to unload the catering stuff and get our bags packed for Vegas, I had already got a call from a new client. Since the presentation I have 2 new clients (evaluations), the mediation supervisor for all of San Bernardino County wants me to to do a presentation for their Rancho medication staff and the Bar Association in the High Desert wants me to do a presentation for them as well. So, things are going to get busy around here-- cant imagine them getting more busy then they already are, but busy is OK with me while I'm trying to build this business. By the way, Kevin's catering was amazing and everyone was amazingly impressed. Kevin served Cashew Chicken Salad Sandwiches on Croissants, Amy's Farm Tomato and Watermelon Salad, Chinese House Chop Salad and Summer Wild Rice with basil and almonds -which is my personal favorite! The food was phenomenal and I think everyone wants me to do presentations because of the food-- that's fine-- Ill take the exposure anyway I can. Thanks Kevin for being an amazing support to me!!!!
After the presentation we packed up and headed to Vegas. People ask if we gamble or go to clubs or what. Our answer is we eat and sleep-- literally, we eat wonderful food and sleep and relax in our room. We stayed at the Venetian so the room was a great place to kick back.
After the presentation we packed up and headed to Vegas. People ask if we gamble or go to clubs or what. Our answer is we eat and sleep-- literally, we eat wonderful food and sleep and relax in our room. We stayed at the Venetian so the room was a great place to kick back.
We got home from Vegas on Friday night and took the kids to dinner and a movie for Owen's early birthday (his Birthday was Saturday July 25-- he was 9) and then Saturday we had our friends Brian and Heather's 10 year vow renewal ceremonyon a boat in Newport Beach Harbor. It was a wonderful celebration and of course, I forgot to take pictures except for a few.
The next day after church we had a little family party for Owen's birthday.
Today we are doing a quick last minute trip to Disneyland with Laila, Laura and Cassie and then on Thursday night I am doing a presentation at the boys new private school on special education. I'm not sure if I mentioned but I started a special education program at the boys school for the fall and as a community service outreach, the school decided I should do a presentation for parents or anyone who wants to come. Yesterday I did an interview for the newspaper to advertise the program and then next Friday they are going to run a weekly newspaper article on one noteworthy person in the community and they asked me if they could do the article on me. It was quite a compliment and I am thrilled to get to answer their 10 questions (that is the format of the interview). Then, after the presentation on Thursday, Friday morning we leave for a short 3 day cruise with the kids to Mexico. We leave Friday and come back Monday. It was a quick little fun vacation that they boys are thrilled to go on. It should be fun. So, I should have some good pictures from that.
Have a good rest of the week!!!